Gifts for your parents
Your parents are absolutely amazing. They not only raised you to be a wonderful adult, but ever since you got engaged, they’ve been nothing but supporting, caring, and loving with you and the person who will enter their family as your life partner. Of course, you want to show your parents how much they mean to you – and offering them a pretty wedding gift is one of the best ways to do this.
When is the right time to give your parents their wedding gifts? We have some ideas for you – so read on and find out more.
· Most couples do it during the rehearsal dinner. And that’s perfectly fine. The rehearsal dinner is official, it’s close to the wedding itself, and it just feels a little less chaotic than the wedding day – so take a few minutes to privately talk to your parents and thank them for all that they’ve done. They will definitely tear up!
· The morning of the wedding is just as good a time as well. You will most likely have a getting ready session and your mom will be invited. Even more, you might even want to have a First Look photo session with your father. The morning of the wedding is quieter than the reception and it’s filled with the emotions and nervousness of the event ahead of you – so it’s a really wonderful time to offer your parents the amazing gifts you’ve picked up for them.
· The morning after the wedding is really great too. Want to make sure you really have the time to make this the wonderful moment it deserves to be? Push the wedding gift giving to the morning after the wedding – but only if you know your parents will be spending the night at your wedding location. Make this a mini event – organize a small brunch for you parents and closest friends, and offer their gifts then. It’s a really nice way to wrap up the most unforgettable event of your life!