Regardless of how traditional or contemporary they may be, weddings will always be absolutely amazing. What are some of the traditions that have either completely changed or adjusted to modern days, though? We have some tips for you – so read on and find out more.
· Changing the bride’s name after the wedding. Back in the day, women were considered to be the “property” of the men in their lives – first their fathers, then their husbands. Thus, changing the name was also related to a legal change in “ownership” and it was compulsory. These days, changing your name after the wedding is not mandatory anymore.
· The bridal shower. Initially, this was a pre-wedding event where the bride’s friends would gather and almost literally “shower” the bride with gifts – they actually opened a parasol filled with presents above her head. These days, many bridal showers have more practical themes – such as “stock the bar showers”, “kitchen showers”, “work showers”, and so on.
· The honeymoon. Although this has started to change only fairly recently, it is still considered to be one of the major shifts in how brides and grooms perceive their weddings. Traditionally, newlyweds flew off to their honeymoon right after the wedding reception was over. However, with couples wanting to take advantage of certain times of the year, there are many brides and grooms who postpone their honeymoons for a later date (and even split the honeymoon in two smaller vacations).