Include roses in your bouquet, with the sunflower to create a modern design with elegance.
Featured florals in this arrangement:
Rose – Roses are known as the flowers of love and romance. Many choose to include pink roses in their bouquet because they symbolize gratitude, grace, admiration and joy.
Green Button Pom – This button pom is a good choice for a filler flower because it’s available year-round. This flower comes in white, green, purple and yellow and is also called a Chrysanthemum.
Amaranthus – When this flower dries, it turns golden in color. It’s also called the flaming fountain and it has a distinct color that makes it noteworthy.
For more information, go to to see more ideas. But look at the flowers here locally at one of the many People’s Flowers shops. They can show you the real flowers you might want in your bouquet.